
32035 Mig-23 Hungarian stencil decal sheet 1:32

32035 Mig-23 Hungarian stencil decal sheet 1:32
  • 32035 Mig-23 Hungarian stencil decal sheet 1:32
  • Item number: 3203512,00 EURStock: 0 db
+ 1 ajándék credit pont

Product description

The kit contains a water-stick decal sheet designed exclusively for model kits.
We recommend it over 15 years

Other data


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The kit contains a water-stick decal sheet designed exclusively for model kits. Recommended it over 15 years

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The kit contains a water-stick decal sheet designed exclusively for model kits. Recommended it over 15 years

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72093 Mi-17 (Hungarian 706, 707) decal sheet 1:72
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1 ajándék credit pont

The kit contains a water-stick decal sheet designed exclusively for model kits. We recommend it over 15 years

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72094 Messerschmitt Bf 110 G-4 (HU M+107, +  Luftwaffe) decl sheet 1:72
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1 ajándék credit pont
Discontinued Product

The kit contains a water-stick decal sheet designed exclusively for model kits. We recommend it over 15 years

72198 Mi-24 V in Hungarian service from 2018 decal sheet 1:72
Stock: 0
1 ajándék credit pont

Az új NATO festésű Mi-24 V helikopter LIMITÁLT 100 db -os matricája. A készlet kifogyása után a stencileket már fogja nem tartalmazni az újra gyártott matrica lap. Mi-24 V in Hungarian service from 2018 with NATO grey painting. LIMITED 100 pcs decal sheet. On next time when we will print again - will be without the stencils!!

72217 F-14A ”Black Aces” USS NIMITZ decal sheet 1:72
Stock: 0
1 ajándék credit pont

This is the next part of our USS NIMITZ" collection. The collection covers the 70s and 80s and major types like Viking, Vigilante, Tom Cat, Phantom, A-7, A-6

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The kit contains a water-stick decal sheet designed exclusively for model kits. We recommend it over 15 years

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