The kit contains a water-stick decal sheet designed exclusively for model kits.
We recommend it over 15 years
Manufacturer | HADmodels |
14,00 EUR
The kit contains a water-stick decal sheet designed exclusively for model kits. Recommended it over 15 years
The kit contains a water-stick decal sheet designed exclusively for model kits. Recommended it over 15 years
The kit contains a water-stick decal sheet designed exclusively for model kits. Recommended it over 15 years
12,00 EUR
The kit contains a water-stick decal sheet designed exclusively for model kits. Recommended it over 15 years
The kit contains a water-stick decal sheet designed exclusively for model kits. We recommend it over 15 years
The kit contains a water-stick decal sheet designed exclusively for model kits. We recommend it over 15 years
Az új NATO festésű Mi-24 V helikopter LIMITÁLT 100 db -os matricája. A készlet kifogyása után a stencileket már fogja nem tartalmazni az újra gyártott matrica lap. Mi-24 V in Hungarian service from 2018 with NATO grey painting. LIMITED 100 pcs decal sheet. On next time when we will print again - will be without the stencils!!
This is the next part of our USS NIMITZ" collection. The collection covers the 70s and 80s and major types like Viking, Vigilante, Tom Cat, Phantom, A-7, A-6
The kit contains a water-stick decal sheet designed exclusively for model kits. We recommend it over 15 years
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